The Vision Parka is a wind and waterproof winter jacket for women with a timeless minimalistic design that
will stand the test of time. The parka comes insulated
with AirPush Insulate™ that provides vapour management even when wet. Powered with taped seams and
Tenson’s proprietary MPC Extreme technology (WP
10.000mm / MP 10.000 g/m2/24h) which combines extremely effective waterproofing with exceptional breathability.
- TwoChestPocketsWithZippers
- OneSleevePocketWithZipper
- TwoFrontPockets
- ArticulatedSleeves
- AdjustableCuffs
- QuiltedLining
- InnerLycraCuffsAtSleeveEnds
- TwoWayZipAtFront
- InnerPocketWithZip
- TapedSeams