Niklas Lindhardt.
To make this planet a better, more sustainable place, I work with consciousness development - with individuals, leaders, leadership teams and organizations. When we expand our consciousness and integrate our shadow, we emerge with a heart-centered life, with greater love for self, others and the planet...and less ego.
To do this, I combine research from various fields: adult developmental psychology, self organization, complexity theory, neuroscience and gestalt psychology to name a few. Nature is central for me. Both as inspiration (the best ideas are always born outdoors), and as playground for the leadership programs we run. Our great mother (earth, that is) is also the source for me to re-charge, find adventure and get guidance. As we tend to her beauty, and listen to her wisdom, life gets richer and the path more beautiful.
I have engaged in the Tenson "Community with Purpose" because I want to support the journey. The journey of getting sustainable. To get started in doing something. Striving to get it all right. For that is an every human journey. We all can start to do something. Striving to get it all right. For the sake of our children, and their children, and theirs...
Your "nickname":
Where are you based:
Mölndal, Sweden
I run "IntoTheNew". A co-creational initiative to raise human consciousness to transform leadership, organizations and teams. To uplevel for the sustainable world.
The PURPOSE of you/your/life/profession work:
Being - in harmony with self and planet. Raising human consciousness - birthing individual fulfillment and love, shaping sustainable leadership taking better care of ourselves, each other and the planet.
Favorite outdoor activity:
Ski mountaineering & rock climbing
Favorite outdoor place/s:
Skiing in the Atlas Mountains, Morocco was nice. Lyngen mountains in northern Norway is also a magical place. Iceland too. And I love the sacred quietness of the moss 1 kilometer from home. There is a sacredness in all spots in nature if we slow down and take it in.
Favorite campfire food:
A mixed plate with vegetables, onion, sausages and spices made on a big frying pan over an open fire. Or freshly picked chanterelles fried in some butter.
Favorite food to forage:
Mushrooms and berries. Love making marmalades on nature's gifts.
Favorite "adventure"/nature read:
I enjoy most reads where the inner and outer experience of nature is merged. And to be honest. I prefer being in nature than to read about it. :-)
Favorite cinematic/"adventure"/outdoor film:
"Kayaking the Niagaras" is a fantastic documentary about the physical and mental preparation for a possibly deadly endeavour. Ending with not doing the paddle. It shows the importance of knowing when to cancel, and the beauty of being vulnerable in doing so.
Get in touch with Niklas
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/niklaslindhardt/
Website: https://intothenew.se/