Christian Stadler.


Born and raised in the Austrian Alps my passion for nature and outdoor sports, especially skiing, basically came as a birth right. Today, i am still driven by the same passion to explore new places and immerse into nature. As a freelance marketing & business consultant i build partnerships between brands and communities within the outdoor sports industry and beyond to foster communities and make an impact together.


Your "nickname":

Where are you based:

Innsbruck, Austria.


Building partnerships & communities (Freelance) for:,,

The PURPOSE of you/your/life/profession work:

Life life, connect people & Communities, make a positive impact.

Favorite outdoor activity:

Ski Mountaineering, Surfing, Free diving, Alpinism, Hiking.

Favorite campfire food:

Stick bread.

Favorite food to forage:

Fresh spring water.

Favorite "adventure"/nature read:

Downdays Ski Stories.

Favorite cinematic/"adventure"/outdoor film:

Sunset, Sunrise & shooting stars.