Agata Skrzypczyk.
Summarize your life of adventure outdoors until now:
Nature is everything to me. It calms me down, it brings a challange, it makes me appreciate life to the fullest. Being outdoor is the most pleasant time in my life. I am always ready for any adventure in nature, while my favourite ones are sailing, surfing and running or hiking through lush forests.
Name the terrain, season and conditions that exhilarate you most when on adventure:
It would definitely be water. Preferably, surrounded by a lush forest. Water provides a challange, diversity of activities and a completely different perspective to life. It also requires respect and humbleness. The season doesn’t really matter, only good gear does.
Briefly describe two of your most memorable outdoor/adventure experiences:
1. Surfing in a remote island of Galapagos Archipelago after few months of travelling in South America. I managed to get into Playa de Tortuga just before the sunset. I had the best surfing session in my whole life, accommodated by golden-hour light, small (harmless!) sharks in the shallow water as well as tortoises and iguanas basking in the sun. Harnessing the power of nature while appreciating the endemic beauty of it.
2. Staying with an indigenous berber community in the Moroccan Atlas Mountains. I visited a small village situated in the high Atlas Mountains and while staying with a local family, I was learning about climate change observable by the local shepards through generations. Talk about nature and its changes, while minding the goats and listening to my Moroccan friend playing a gimbri instrument in the mountains was one of the most incredible moments I was lucky to experience
Describe your personal outdoor garment “philosophy”:
In my mind, outdoor gear should be like your second skin. It should make you feel completely ready and focused on the outdoor challenge that you’re undertaking at the moment without feeling cold, uncomfortable, etc. While in nature, we want to take it all in, up to the very last detail. Sometimes, we also need a clear mind and sharp focus. I want the clothes that I wear to be like my best friend - unobtrusive, cozy and ready to take me everywhere!
Most difficult location and conditions where you’ve tested outdoor apparel:
Camping in -20 degrees while chasing northern lights through Sweden. On the other hand, camping in Sahara desert during the fiery hot sand storm… Maybe I should consider using airbnb at times..
Describe your ultimate hiking/trekking “must have” lightweight apparel kit:
Layers is a key for me. My gear have to be adjustable to the conditions and the weather. If I can combine it and layer it, I love it. Small pockets, hook and adjustable parts always come in handy. When it gets messy on the trail, it’s good to have reinforcements on the critical parts of the clothes.
Describe why Tenson attracts you:
What drives me towards Tenson is not only a long tradition of supplying reliable gear, but also it’s sustainability. I am against fast fashion and I appreciate efforts for changing status quo of the industry. I appreciate Tenson making clothes for enjoying outdoors, while taking care of nature.