Chris Doyle.
Summarize your life of adventure outdoors until now:
Adventure for me started when I watched Neil Armstrong land on the moon – I simply wanted to explore, beginning in that exact moment. So, that’s what I’ve done…and, having now traveled over the years to more than 100 countries, I’d say the “red-thread” for me are experience that stretches my comfort zone in the spirit of “continuous learning”. I’m a super-kid at heart and just crave experiencing other cultures and lands.
Name the terrain, season and conditions that exhilarate you most when on adventure:
Completely torn on this one – hmm…there’s something about desolate deserts that mesmerize me, especially Jordan’s Wadi Rum of Lawrence of Arabia legend, but, in my heart-of-hearts, I’m a mountain and fresh-water guy who gets super exhilarated by threatening, powerful mountain thunderstorms.
Briefly describe two of your most memorable outdoor/adventure experiences:
• Photo-hunting snow leopards in the high mountains of Kyrgyzstan and finding fresh paw prints, then seeing, on the hidden wildlife cameras, a beautiful snow leopard which triggered the camera only hours before. Goosebumps as I write this, just as happened in the moment.
• On a video-documentary project in Madagascar in 2007 with Conservation International. Flying in a Cessna 172 low over the red-like-Mars landscape for hundreds and hundreds of miles of what used to be a lush jungle. It moved me to try to do more (in conservation – still working on it)…and less (in my personal impact to the environment – still working on it!).
Describe your personal outdoor garment “philosophy”:
I try to buy high quality, high value garments that are “built to last”. I get super frustrated when buying garments that I think will last a long time, only to be disappointed a year or two later. I try to use my outdoor apparel until it simply won’t function any longer – I still have some outwear shirts and jackets over 20 years old, then I re-purpose them to work around the house. Yes, I like good-looking gear and compelling colors (e.g., deep mustard, indigo, wine, etc.), but mostly, I like stretchy, comfortable and uber-functional apparel.
Most difficult location and conditions where you’ve tested outdoor apparel:
Greenland ice-cap at -53C – let’s just say, the weather tested me vs. me testing the gear. 😉 Also, during an Arctic Training Camp with the Norwegians. EVERY one of the tent poles of all 5 tents snapped during an unexpected, overnight blizzard. We survived. Much of the gear did not.
Describe your ultimate hiking/trekking “must have” lightweight apparel kit:
I’m a layering guy and tend to bring more options than I need based on whatever the current weather forecast and adventure might be – I tend to be over-prepared: always. I like my outdoor clothing to be super lightweight, breathable and quick-drying, along with water- and wind-proof options, combined with smart ventilation, in outwear. I “roll” my garments to avoid wrinkling, and I’m pretty good at getting a LOT into a small packet. Merino wool undergarments, socks and beanie tend to make their way into my kit.
Describe why Tenson attracts you:
I started in the outdoor gear industry in the USA in the late 1980s and have never looked back. I’ve been on the REI and Eddie Bauer teams, and when I learned about Tenson, the 70+ year old Swedish Outdoor Brand with also quite compelling mountaineering and outdoor heritage, I could not resist, especially with their concerted investments on the path toward sustainability.