Eirik Skjærseth.
Explorer, Philosopher.
Full Name:
Eirik Skjærseth.
Explorer, Philosopher.
Most exhilarating and/or favorite experience during the trek:
Hanging out with amazing people, seeing them do what they do best!
A journey like that is almost impossible to put one experience over another, it was so intense that I am still taking in the experiences.
Most funny moment on your way to Everest Base Camp:
Helping Thomas Nord’s make his kick ass Instagram posts (LOL).
Most difficult moment/experience during the trek to Everest Base Camp:
Realizing that you have solid internet connection even at 4000 meter… makes it much harder to go of the grid..
especially when your buddies keeps posting pictures on Instagram…
Favorite trekking food:
Coffee from my brothers coffee roastery Kokko in Stavanger…
The most important project and/or cause you suggest visitors to Nepal’s Khumbu region may want to learn more about:
Sagarmatha Next from Mountain Waste to Art and Design.
Your next adventure:
Life is an adventure, so why wait… but I am sure something exotic will come up out of thin AIR…