Dr. Paul D. Smith.

I'm an atmospheric research scientist, so I work the majority of the time outdoors in snow, wind, rain, and sometimes sun! I joined Tenson's Community with Purpose because they are committed to providing sustainable outdoor clothing solutions that are tried and tested by me and my fellow Community friends. I'm looking forward to working together with the Tenson brand, giving them constructive feedback that will ultimately lead to better products for you.

Your "nickname":

Where are you based:



Station Manager ICOS Svartberget

The PURPOSE of you/your/life/profession work:

To provide high-quality data for the public good

Favorite outdoor activity:

Swimming in the sea, especially Atlantic coast Algarve and Pacific Coast of Peru.

Favorite outdoor place/s:

The Yorkshire Dales

Favorite campfire food:

Bacon sandwich with homemade bread

Favorite food to forage:

Wild berries

Favorite "adventure"/nature read:

Apsley Cherry-Garrard: The Worst Journey in the World

Favorite cinematic/"adventure"/outdoor film:

The Revenant

Get in touch with Dr. Smith

Email: @.com
Website: https://www.slu.se/en/