Per Jobs.

Used to be a composer, so I enjoy more than anything, to co-compose with nature. Creating unforgettable travel experiences for both nature freaks and those who have lost touch with the outdoors. With the stride length I can manage, I move towards a more sustainable lifestyle and more sustainable ways of running the business. Being part of Tenson's Community with Purpose makes perfect sense since Tenson is pledging to seriously move into a more sustainable way of doing things. See you out there!

Your "nickname":

Where are you based:

Gotland, Sweden



The PURPOSE of you/your/life/profession work:

Minimizing my footprint and using the company voice to make long-term change.

Favorite outdoor activity:


Favorite outdoor place/s:

Kaitum River Valley

Favorite campfire food:

Hummus veggie wraps with much chili + Salsa Verde

Favorite food to forage:

Cloudberries and mushrooms

Favorite "adventure"/nature read:

The Hidden Life of Trees

Favorite cinematic/"adventure"/outdoor film:

Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Get in touch with Per

Email: [email protected]