Chris Doyle
Director of Marketing & Sustainability.
Where are you originally from:
Sonoma County (aka, “wine country”) in Northern California – moved to Mölndal, Sweden, permanently in 2015 where we’re raising our three kids.
What attracted you to Tenson:
Good question, since my focus for the past 20 years or so has been mostly focused around responsible adventure tourism development! A colleague, who’s familiar with my background in the outdoor gear industry since the mid-80s, suggested I join the Tenson team. After weeks of research, I was incredibly attracted to the 70+ year outdoor and adventure heritage – and the quality of the gear and team commitment to sustainability – began consulting to help the “Return of The Swedish Outdoor Brand”, then joined the team in August 2020.
Your current role within Tenson:
Director of Marketing & Sustainability.
If there were no rules or restrictions, what do/would you REALLY want to do at/in/with/for Tenson?
Develop a business case and template for strategically located physical-world upcycling, recycling and repair centers to help extend the life and value of Tenson and other outdoor and adventure products.
Why do you do what you do? What drives you? What is your purpose personally/professionally?
To partner with extraordinary people to stimulate net-positive impacts for societies and our natural world.
My professional life could have taken another turn if it had not been for....
Low-grade color blindness (reds and greens) and poor eye sight – I had every intention to become a pilot, then astronaut but was not allowed into the program due to the sight issues I was born with.
Who or where did you get your talent in that particular area (you are working with) from?
Hmmm…well, my dad was a “Type A” (military-like), my mom, a “Type B” (creative)…I’ve been outdoors, adventurous since I can remember, so perhaps Mother Nature drew the talent out of me…
Favorite activity in nature:
Long treks accompanied by waterfall experiences, and by that, I mean get into and under the waterfalls!
Favorite outdoor place/s:
I'm a mountain guy through and through, but I must have significant bodies of water nearby!
My favorite iconic Tenson design/style?
Sooooooo many icons to choose from! For now, as we’ve just launched it in April 2022, it’s the Mount Robson, because it’s a functional outdoors jacket that looks super cool in blue jeans. I like mixing outdoors stuff into my day-to-day wardrobe in a way that doesn’t always look like posting to climb Everest. LOL! Check out Guy Clarkson wearing it – visit our Tenson History page and scroll down to 1984 – a total classic in my eyes.